Lost days, pictures fade.
Exam schedule. =( at 22:12
BAE1024 Advanced Management English 18-05-2009 BAC1624 Management Accounting 20-05-2009 BAC1644 Principle of Finance 21-05-2009 BAC1634 Financial Accounting & Reporting I 23-05-2009 LJB1010 Japanese for Beginner 23-05-2009 BEC1624 Macroeconomic 28-05-2009
Back to Kuching--------------------------------------- 31-05-2009
灰 at 16:38
 我的天空今天有点 灰请你不要再来扰乱我的思绪 让我 静静的过我的生活
Labels: Random
请为地球熄灯一小时 at 23:03
2009年3月28日,请为地球熄灯一小时 一个小小的动作,就可能给地球环境带来深刻影响。2009年3月28日,即本周六晚上8点30分~9点30分,请参与“地球一小时”活动,关掉电灯开关,为地球熄灯一小时。 届时,80多个国家和地区的1189个城市(此数据还在逐日攀升)的一些企业和家庭,将参与这一全球环保公益行动。 “地球一小时”是世界自然基金会向全球发出的一项倡议,呼吁个人、社区、企业和政府在今年3月28日晚8时30分开始,熄灯一小时,展示公众对达成全球新的应对气候变化协议的支持。 在目前这样的“有电生活”中,人们对电的依赖性越来越强,有关人士表示,主动远离光明、投入黑暗,最大的意义不是为了节省这一小时的能源,而是让我们在熄灯的一小时里,找回一些我们正在失去的东西,反思一下我们正在犯的错误。 每个人都可以用实际行动证明,应对全球气候变化,每个人都可以作出改变,改变地球暖化先改变自己。
我想说: 这件事最近都在传。 昨晚妹妹也有发封类似的短讯(英文版的)。 想说就帮忙传咯~
结果,某人回封短信让我当场呆掉+炸到+后悔。 心情立刻down! 后悔是当时怎么会看上这种人? 他竟然回复说,“没空,要温书之类的话!” 他能不能不每次都把 Forward msg 看的那么重,再冷冷的回复? 我没有想知道你会不会真的熄灯,只是目的在于传开信息!! 好不好?
Labels: 分享
swim.pet society at 17:47
 Swimming pool~ I wish i know how to swim.. Too bad it faces guy's block. Maybe i can ask my little sis to teach me how to swim when i'm back? I want a longer holidays. i haven done anything except a bit Japanese homework. I'm too lazy to start my revision. This should be a midterm BREAK.. But.. Why still need to worry so much bout assignments and coming test? A lot ppl had come back from their hometown. I guess they all back earlier bcoz of assignments and homeworks.  I'm addicted to it for this week holidays . Whole day playing on it wishing to gain higher level. I want to have a nice decorated house lar.. But it needs a lot money~
Labels: ☜ ⓜⓜⓤ ☞
Addicted to blogging? at 09:59
74%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?try this out by clicking the icon...
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Dreambox + movie at 21:45
今天又和coursemate 去哦!连着两天都唱 唱完歌,我们先去shopping 然后去看我像看久了的 幸福万岁  真的是几好笑一下 接下来我就是要看confessions of a shopaholic了 不过应该是下个月去了吧? 因为又要开始很忙了 要先赶功课啊! -在 dreambox 和 yanyan拍照- -自拍-  啊~我都好喜欢的高跟鞋 豹纹的超流行 可是都不适合我现在上学用 别浪费钱了 Labels: 【照片】, ☜ ⓜⓜⓤ ☞, Friends
Gogo KTV at 20:47
Before our holiday starts, we already planned to go for K day. Yea, just 2 of us. We reached there around 0115pm and we sang for 3 hours. we sang a lot songs. i think over few hundred songs.
Pic taken before we go out. Nah, my fringe is so long.
My little sis's name is there! haha i noe i'm lame. Camwhoring with the mic Lastly a pic of us After ktv, we headed to shop at Mahkota perade. There is sales everywhere. But, no $ to spend lehh.. >.< Ended up we go home earlier. To me, window shopping is bit not fun coz only can see but cant own mar.
Pictures.Sidewalk gathering at 09:36
昨天才拿到的照照 谢谢 priscilla 放上去了 昨晚学书到很pekchek Edit 起 照片来 效果很满意 超级爱那些灯光感
*大合照* 这张站得有点怪 因为不要挡住后面的人啊~ vana baby,priscilla,lynda baby and me -jus 3 of us- -lynda 亲亲好可爱- *sweetheart。lynda n me* girls and boys ***完***Labels: 【照片】, Friends, Tea Session
whatever at 11:57
Yesterday Amy asked whether i wanna get some food or drinks? Her sis is selling it due to their management assignment. Hmm. Trying "anything" drinks Or "whatever" drink? It sounds good to me. As she says, Anything is carbonate drink where Whatever is non-carbonate drink. The flavour of the drink is not mention on the can Therefore, what you got is by luck.
List of Flavour: Jasmine green tea Iced lemon tea Apple tea White grape tea Peach tea Chrysanthynum Tea
Among all, i wish i can get Apple tea or White grape tea. But, i still couldnt get what i want. Nevermind, i might as well try it again next time. =)
Labels: Foods
せんせい の love story at 12:04
Today our japanese teacher teaches us about time. she mentioned that in japan there is no such thing as year 2009 During her university time, people around her in japan was keep mentioning want to get married in year 2000 But end up she got married with her husband on that year. She wasn't date out with her husband or didn't being a proper couple with him before they get marry. But on her bday, he just suddenly pop up and said "hey, why not we just get married?" Then she said, "okay, lets get married!" OMG! She is getting marry with HIM who is her senior in her university without dated out with him before.
She tells us that actually she is in love with another guy that time who is studying in USA. She did fly to USA to look for him very often before and having a quiet good relationship for 6 years. But, that guy fly back to Malaysia and get married with another gurl. See, she wasted her time and money ended up he left her alone. So, she just give her senior a try and get marry with him. Aft 9 years, they are still in love with each other and they have a son now... =) This is a sweet and nice ending.
Lesson taught by her: Dun waste your time and money on guys! HE will approach you an the right timing~
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送給不小心感冒的人 : 密招分享 at 13:46
下次感冒初期,不妨試試 ! 無害。 可以很快使感冒或頭痛不再繼續惡化! 如果你感覺到已經開始流鼻水、連續打噴嚏、有點頭痛,就快要感冒了! 趕緊先喝兩、三杯熱開水( 不可以喝冰的 ) 。 等三、五分鐘,再沖一杯咖啡,一定要熱的喝才有效 ( 不可冰 )。
二、三十分鐘以後,咖啡和先前喝的開水會讓你要尿尿。 而且,很神 奇的,流鼻水、打噴嚏、頭痛都慢慢不見了! 想知道為什麼這麼好用?
一、咖啡可以讓你加速排尿。加上先喝的開水, 可以把已經侵入繁殖的病毒,從身體裡「洗」掉大部分。
二、咖啡有提神、興奮的作用,會讓你低迷不振的免疫功能提振起來。 病毒從尿尿排掉了一部分,免疫功能又加強了, 感冒繼續惡化的可能當然降低不少。
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迅速更新篇 at 17:37
近期是忙碌的第一高峰 2 Assignment Up + 3 midterm in a week!
前晚喝了咖啡 弄得我失眠 4点才入睡 9点就起床了 拍照都没脸见 无神的双眼 真的好憔悴的 我知道该多休息的 可是我最近又恋上浏览部落 还有追看香港粤剧啊 所以怎么能浪费时间在睡眠上呢
读书减压的方式= 吃 吃 吃 要坐定定 就要有零嘴 呵呵 暂时搁置我的瘦身计划吧
diet mode is tuning into study +choc mode
 ***************歌词角落****************非卖品当时怎么爱上你的朋友说的 我微笑听着爱情的剧本 原来就没规则现在变不重要了 结局揭晓了后来当朋友 你我也只是说说训练成好演员的我说不遗憾是骗人的那些爱与不爱还在整理着我明白的 只是谁来导演呢勇敢是你教的眼泪是我的 快乐都假的我想找个答案如果爱被出卖 到最后非卖品有什么剩下太好强 又太傻 受了伤当赠品留下 包装的坚强笑的那么自然 悲伤也放进橱窗爱没有答案再倔强再不放 到最后被看穿一个人逞强说不恨 是骗人我不再隐瞒爱的伤痕不舍转过身 不必回头的承认非卖品是爱最美的灵魂Labels: ☜ ⓜⓜⓤ ☞, ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓨ
我要假期可不可以? at 20:29
japanese quiz is over!
好懒散的我 不想温书 midterm 3 张 下星期考 星期一 principle in finance 星期三 management accounting 星期六 fundamental accounting and reporting 两张accounting paper 这回怎么办?
上课完全不听课 我这 semester 怎么了? 我不知道
心里只想看戏去啊 一直期待着 朋友说戏要慢点才去看了 失望
Labels: ☜ ⓜⓜⓤ ☞, ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓨ
睡觉去! at 20:02
昨晚很早就睡了 因为去了 IVAQ2009
 从早上8点起床 待到傍晚6pm 真的好累+浪费时间 可是我们去的都是为了midterm 的bonus mark 其实最近有好多东西要赶 太多task 不懂那个先 今天我当了睡猪 从昨晚睡到今天5.30pm 很不可思议 但是能好好睡一觉真的很不错哦! Labels: ☜ ⓜⓜⓤ ☞
Japanese Passion Week. Snap Shot on YUKATA at 11:21
这星期是 JAPANESE Passion Week
星期二 上日文课 好开心 因为完全没有压力不用怕quiz 就只是去看日片 和看日语歌 MTV 在那发现 koko ni iru yo 是永远在身边的日语版 爱上了这首歌
后来上课在 CLC concourse 一直经过看到可以穿 yukata 拍照 是专业的那种哦! 一张照照才 RM5! 可是 我的朋友们都没拍 而我也没胆子 一个人去 因为是 open 的哦 不是有围起来的studio也 怕很多人都在看 会很奇怪 想要和妹妹去拍 可是她拒绝了我 =(
后来妹妹说她会和他朋友去拍 这下好了 我们那么多人 我就不怕不好意思了 这一天是passion week最后一天了 加上是星期四 所以学校也没什么人来往 换衣到拍完不到二十分钟 只是用了较多的时间在自拍 呵呵 超值回票价 --照照。我很喜欢哟--
-behind the scene-
 ---------------------------分割线----------------------------
今天晚上我有考试 可是下午还是跑去拍照 真不应该 可是机会难逢嘛 =) 后来coursemate们有去喝茶 顺便帮朋友庆祝生日 我们一票人 十多二十个就去了 炫音乐餐厅 我们都是疯狂爱拍照的人 可是另外一票女生真的是把全店的每个角落都拍完哦 我看那店员一定很不耐烦我们干嘛那么爱拍 有很多照照在朋友的相机里 还没拿到哦 这里都是我可怜 2 mega pixel 电话拍的 朋友还爱上我的电话相机 借去用哦 =。= 我都还觉得我相机不够好啊
Labels: 【照片】, Family, Friends, Tea Session
ここにいるよ I'll be right here at 11:00
Baby boy わたしはここにいるよ どこもいかずに待ってるよ Baby boy i'll be right here. Wont go anywhere. I'll be waiting for you. You know that I love you だからこそ 心配しなくていいんだよ You know that I love you, so there's no need to worry. どんなに远くにいても変わらないよこの心 No matter the distance, this heart of mine wont change. 言いたい事わかるでしょ? You know what i'm trying to say, right? あなたのこと待ってるよ i'll be waiting for you. I'll be waiting.
不器用な俺 远くにいる君 I'm stupid and now you are far away from me. 伝えたい気持ちそのまま言えずに 君は行っちまった I wanted to tell you my feelings didnt change.But you were already gone. いまじゃ残された君はアルバムの中 Now all i have left of you is all inside this album. 电波でしか会えない日々 だけど见えないぜ君の微笑み These days we can only meet via radio waves. But i cant see your smiles. 君のぬくもり 髪の香り こののどの渇きはそのまま満たされずに your warmth, the fragrant of your hair. I cant suppress this longing for you. 过ぎてく日々の中 なんだか君の面影ひたすら探した As days went by, I desperately search traces by you. 君とよく歩いたあの道は 今俺だけの足音が响いていた The road i used to walk with you. Only echoes my footsteps now. んなことよりお前の方は元気か? ちゃんと饭食ってるか? Before anything else, how have you been? Have you been eating properly?
ちくしょう、やっぱ言えねぇや Damn, i still cant come up with what to say. また今度送るよ 俺からのLetter Guess~ i'll just sent it next time, this letter of mine.
Baby boy わたしはここにいるよ どこもいかずに待ってるよ Baby boy i'll be right here. Wont go anywhere. I'll be waiting for you. You know that I love you だからこそ 心配しなくていいんだよ You know that I love you, so there's no need to worry. どんなに远くにいても変わらないよこの心 言いたい事わかるでしょ? No matter the distance, this heart of mine wont change. あなたのこと待ってるよ i'll be waiting for you. I'll be waiting.
镰仓の砂浜で见た君の姿 波にのまれた君に言いたい言叶 The way you looked at the beach in Kamakura, なんだかマジせつねぇ how the waves swallowed the words i wanted to tell you. 男なのになんで...言叶出てこねぇや This is really painful, I'm a guy... So why wont the words just come out? 覚えてますか?君と行ったカラオケの中 Do you still remember? when we went to karaoke togather.
俺が入れた曲の言叶 モニターに浮かんだまま ほんとは君に伝えたかった The lyric of songs that i picked on the monitor were honestly what i wanted to tell you 君と二人きりで初めて待ち合わせをしたあの日 on the day we met, just two of us, for the first time まるで偶然に会ったかのようにはしゃぎ 微笑む君が忘れられないって we played around as if we had met by chance. I wanted to say i still cant forget your smile. 话かなりそれちまったがわかるよな?俺が言いたい言叶 I may sound incoherrant but you get it, right? what i'm trying to say? Shit 残り书く场所がねぇや Shit, there is no more space to write. ごめん 次は绝対に送るから Sorry, i'll definately sent it next time.
Baby boy わたしはここにいるよ どこもいかずに待ってるよ Baby boy i'll be right here. Wont go anywhere. I'll be waiting for you. You know that I love you だからこそ 心配しなくていいんだよ You know that I love you, so there's no need to worry. どんなに远くにいても変わらないよこの心 言いたい事わかるでしょ? No matter the distance, this heart of mine wont change. あなたのこと待ってるよ i'll be waiting for you. I'll be waiting.
俺がもっと金持ちだったら もっとまともな仕事をしてたら If i had more money or if i had a more serious job. もしもすべて犠牲にできたのなら 俺は绝対に君を... if i could give everything else up, for you, i definitely would. だがPlease勘违いだけはすんな 君に寂しい思いはさせたくねぇが But please, dun misunderstand. I hate to make you lonely but, 忙しい中あんま话せねぇがbaby believeこれはall for our future I'm busy so we cant talk much but baby believe its all for our future. But 正直 今すぐ君と会いたい 今すぐ抱きしめてやりたい But honestly i want to see you right now. I want to hold you tight right now. 昔 君が俺の隣で座ってた席には もう谁もいないって... now no one is sitting in the seat next to me, where you used to sit. まぁ そんな事はいいんだ 言いたいことはそんなんじゃねぇんだ well, that is not important. That's not what i'm trying to say. いまさらだが It's probably too late, ずっと言いたかった言叶を込め 送るUnsent letter but I'll fill it with what i've wanted to say all along and sent you my unsent letter
Baby girl わたしはここにいるよ どこもいかずに待ってるよ Baby girl, i'll be right here. Wont go anytwhere i'll b waiting for you. You know that I love you だからこそ 心配しなくていいんだよ You know that I love you, so there is no need to worry どんなに远くにいても変わらないよこの心 言いたい事わかるでしょ? No matter the distance, this heart of mine wont change. あなたのこと待ってるよ i'll be waiting for you. I'll be waiting.
Baby boy わたしはここにいるよ どこもいかずに待ってるよ Baby boy, i'll be right here. Wont go anytwhere i'll b waiting for you. You know I love you だからこそ 心配しなくていいんだよ You know that I love you, so there is no need to worry どんなに远くにいても変わらないよこの心 今なら素直に言えるよ No matter the distance, this heart of mine wont change. Now i can say it to you straight. I don't ever wanna let you go I don't ever wanna let you go
Labels: 歌词部落
周末松一松 at 23:07
部落没有更新 因为没什么新鲜事报道 可是 今天我和妹妹就要去透透气 我们没啥东西好买 所以看戏去! 看了 the pink panther 2.. 还不错的说 我们还是在旺角用餐 点了份韭菜肉碎猪肠粉和鸳鸯奶茶咯
 开始是还蛮好吃的 可是吃到太多猪肠粉后就腻了 后来去视窗购物 跑去试衣服 过过瘾 原本想买的了 可是 因某些原因没买了 -更衣间-  今天的收获不多 纯粹逛街散心和看戏 星期天 巴士不多 所以等待的时间较长 两个人在街道 玩起自拍 有不一样的感觉哦  -我们的影子- 
Labels: 【照片】, ☜ ⓜⓜⓤ ☞, Family, Foods
I amkelyn
I Like to dream
I Dislike dreams doesnt come true =(
Live. Love. Laugh
I've learned goodbyes
will always hurt
pictures never replace
having been there
Memories good or bad
will bring tears
and words can never
replace those feelings!
Enjoy reading ♥
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Strumming Some Heartstrings
Exam schedule. =( at 22:12
BAE1024 Advanced Management English 18-05-2009
BAC1624 Management Accounting 20-05-2009
BAC1644 Principle of Finance 21-05-2009
BAC1634 Financial Accounting & Reporting I 23-05-2009
LJB1010 Japanese for Beginner 23-05-2009
BEC1624 Macroeconomic 28-05-2009
Back to Kuching--------------------------------------- 31-05-2009
you know you love me
灰 at 16:38

Labels: Random
you know you love me
请为地球熄灯一小时 at 23:03
这件事最近都在传。 昨晚妹妹也有发封类似的短讯(英文版的)。
他能不能不每次都把 Forward msg 看的那么重,再冷冷的回复?
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you know you love me
swim.pet society at 17:47

Swimming pool~ I wish i know how to swim..
Too bad it faces guy's block.
Maybe i can ask my little sis to teach me how to swim when i'm back?
I want a longer holidays.
i haven done anything except a bit Japanese homework.
I'm too lazy to start my revision.
This should be a midterm BREAK.. But..
Why still need to worry so much bout assignments and coming test?
A lot ppl had come back from their hometown.
I guess they all back earlier bcoz of assignments and homeworks.

I'm addicted to it for this week holidays .
Whole day playing on it wishing to gain higher level.
I want to have a nice decorated house lar..
But it needs a lot money~
Labels: ☜ ⓜⓜⓤ ☞
you know you love me
Addicted to blogging? at 09:59
74%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?try this out by clicking the icon...
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you know you love me
Dreambox + movie at 21:45
今天又和coursemate 去哦!连着两天都唱
唱完歌,我们先去shopping 然后去看我像看久了的 幸福万岁

接下来我就是要看confessions of a shopaholic了
-在 dreambox 和 yanyan拍照-
-自拍-

Labels: 【照片】, ☜ ⓜⓜⓤ ☞, Friends
you know you love me
Gogo KTV at 20:47
Before our holiday starts, we already planned to go for K day.
Yea, just 2 of us.
We reached there around 0115pm and we sang for 3 hours.
we sang a lot songs. i think over few hundred songs.
Pic taken before we go out. Nah, my fringe is so long.
My little sis's name is there! haha i noe i'm lame.
Camwhoring with the mic
Lastly a pic of us
After ktv, we headed to shop at Mahkota perade.
There is sales everywhere.
But, no $ to spend lehh.. >.<
Ended up we go home earlier.
To me, window shopping is bit not fun
coz only can see but cant own mar.
you know you love me
Pictures.Sidewalk gathering at 09:36
谢谢 priscilla 放上去了
Edit 起 照片来 效果很满意
这张站得有点怪 因为不要挡住后面的人啊~
vana baby,priscilla,lynda baby and me
-jus 3 of us-
-lynda 亲亲好可爱-
*sweetheart。lynda n me*
girls and boys
***完***Labels: 【照片】, Friends, Tea Session
you know you love me
whatever at 11:57
Yesterday Amy asked whether i wanna get some food or drinks?
Her sis is selling it due to their management assignment.
Hmm. Trying "anything" drinks Or "whatever" drink?
It sounds good to me.
As she says, Anything is carbonate drink
where Whatever is non-carbonate drink.
The flavour of the drink is not mention on the can
Therefore, what you got is by luck.
List of Flavour:
Jasmine green tea
Iced lemon tea
Apple tea
White grape tea
Peach tea
Chrysanthynum Tea
Among all, i wish i can get Apple tea or White grape tea.
But, i still couldnt get what i want.
Nevermind, i might as well try it again next time. =)
Labels: Foods
you know you love me
せんせい の love story at 12:04
Today our japanese teacher teaches us about time.
she mentioned that in japan there is no such thing as year 2009
During her university time, people around her in japan was keep mentioning want to get married in year 2000
But end up she got married with her husband on that year.
She wasn't date out with her husband or didn't being a proper couple with him before they get marry.
But on her bday, he just suddenly pop up and said "hey, why not we just get married?"
Then she said, "okay, lets get married!"
OMG! She is getting marry with HIM who is her senior in her university without dated out with him before.
She tells us that actually she is in love with another guy that time who is studying in USA.
She did fly to USA to look for him very often before and having a quiet good relationship for 6 years.
But, that guy fly back to Malaysia and get married with another gurl.
See, she wasted her time and money ended up he left her alone.
So, she just give her senior a try and get marry with him.
Aft 9 years, they are still in love with each other and they have a son now... =)
This is a sweet and nice ending.
Lesson taught by her: Dun waste your time and money on guys!
HE will approach you an the right timing~
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送給不小心感冒的人 : 密招分享 at 13:46
下次感冒初期,不妨試試 ! 無害。
趕緊先喝兩、三杯熱開水( 不可以喝冰的 ) 。
等三、五分鐘,再沖一杯咖啡,一定要熱的喝才有效 ( 不可冰 )。
而且,很神 奇的,流鼻水、打噴嚏、頭痛都慢慢不見了!
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you know you love me
迅速更新篇 at 17:37
2 Assignment Up + 3 midterm in a week!
弄得我失眠 4点才入睡
无神的双眼 真的好憔悴的
读书减压的方式= 吃 吃 吃
要坐定定 就要有零嘴
diet mode is tuning into study +choc mode

***************歌词角落****************非卖品当时怎么爱上你的朋友说的 我微笑听着爱情的剧本 原来就没规则现在变不重要了 结局揭晓了后来当朋友 你我也只是说说训练成好演员的我说不遗憾是骗人的那些爱与不爱还在整理着我明白的 只是谁来导演呢勇敢是你教的眼泪是我的 快乐都假的我想找个答案如果爱被出卖 到最后非卖品有什么剩下太好强 又太傻 受了伤当赠品留下 包装的坚强笑的那么自然 悲伤也放进橱窗爱没有答案再倔强再不放 到最后被看穿一个人逞强说不恨 是骗人我不再隐瞒爱的伤痕不舍转过身 不必回头的承认非卖品是爱最美的灵魂Labels: ☜ ⓜⓜⓤ ☞, ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓨ
you know you love me
我要假期可不可以? at 20:29
japanese quiz is over!
midterm 3 张 下星期考
星期一 principle in finance
星期三 management accounting
星期六 fundamental accounting and reporting
两张accounting paper
我这 semester 怎么了?
心里只想看戏去啊 一直期待着
Labels: ☜ ⓜⓜⓤ ☞, ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓨ
you know you love me
睡觉去! at 20:02
昨晚很早就睡了 因为去了 IVAQ2009

从早上8点起床 待到傍晚6pm
可是我们去的都是为了midterm 的bonus mark
太多task 不懂那个先
Labels: ☜ ⓜⓜⓤ ☞
you know you love me
Japanese Passion Week. Snap Shot on YUKATA at 11:21
这星期是 JAPANESE Passion Week
星期二 上日文课 好开心
就只是去看日片 和看日语歌 MTV
在那发现 koko ni iru yo 是永远在身边的日语版
后来上课在 CLC concourse 一直经过看到可以穿 yukata 拍照
是专业的那种哦! 一张照照才 RM5!
可是 我的朋友们都没拍
而我也没胆子 一个人去
因为是 open 的哦 不是有围起来的studio也
怕很多人都在看 会很奇怪
想要和妹妹去拍 可是她拒绝了我 =(
这下好了 我们那么多人 我就不怕不好意思了
这一天是passion week最后一天了
加上是星期四 所以学校也没什么人来往
呵呵 超值回票价
-behind the scene-

今天晚上我有考试 可是下午还是跑去拍照
真不应该 可是机会难逢嘛 =)
后来coursemate们有去喝茶 顺便帮朋友庆祝生日
我们一票人 十多二十个就去了 炫音乐餐厅
有很多照照在朋友的相机里 还没拿到哦
这里都是我可怜 2 mega pixel 电话拍的
朋友还爱上我的电话相机 借去用哦
=。= 我都还觉得我相机不够好啊
Labels: 【照片】, Family, Friends, Tea Session
you know you love me
ここにいるよ I'll be right here at 11:00
Baby boy わたしはここにいるよ どこもいかずに待ってるよ
Baby boy i'll be right here. Wont go anywhere. I'll be waiting for you.
You know that I love you だからこそ 心配しなくていいんだよ
You know that I love you, so there's no need to worry.
No matter the distance, this heart of mine wont change.
You know what i'm trying to say, right?
i'll be waiting for you. I'll be waiting.
不器用な俺 远くにいる君
I'm stupid and now you are far away from me.
伝えたい気持ちそのまま言えずに 君は行っちまった
I wanted to tell you my feelings didnt change.But you were already gone.
Now all i have left of you is all inside this album.
电波でしか会えない日々 だけど见えないぜ君の微笑み
These days we can only meet via radio waves. But i cant see your smiles.
君のぬくもり 髪の香り こののどの渇きはそのまま満たされずに
your warmth, the fragrant of your hair. I cant suppress this longing for you.
过ぎてく日々の中 なんだか君の面影ひたすら探した
As days went by, I desperately search traces by you.
君とよく歩いたあの道は 今俺だけの足音が响いていた
The road i used to walk with you. Only echoes my footsteps now.
んなことよりお前の方は元気か? ちゃんと饭食ってるか?
Before anything else, how have you been? Have you been eating properly?
Damn, i still cant come up with what to say.
また今度送るよ 俺からのLetter
Guess~ i'll just sent it next time, this letter of mine.
Baby boy わたしはここにいるよ どこもいかずに待ってるよ
Baby boy i'll be right here. Wont go anywhere. I'll be waiting for you.You know that I love you だからこそ 心配しなくていいんだよ
You know that I love you, so there's no need to worry.どんなに远くにいても変わらないよこの心 言いたい事わかるでしょ?
No matter the distance, this heart of mine wont change.あなたのこと待ってるよ
i'll be waiting for you. I'll be waiting.
镰仓の砂浜で见た君の姿 波にのまれた君に言いたい言叶
The way you looked at the beach in Kamakura,
how the waves swallowed the words i wanted to tell you.
This is really painful, I'm a guy... So why wont the words just come out?
Do you still remember? when we went to karaoke togather.
俺が入れた曲の言叶 モニターに浮かんだまま ほんとは君に伝えたかった
The lyric of songs that i picked on the monitor were honestly what i wanted to tell you
on the day we met, just two of us, for the first time
まるで偶然に会ったかのようにはしゃぎ 微笑む君が忘れられないって
we played around as if we had met by chance. I wanted to say i still cant forget your smile.
I may sound incoherrant but you get it, right? what i'm trying to say?
Shit 残り书く场所がねぇや
Shit, there is no more space to write.
ごめん 次は绝対に送るから
Sorry, i'll definately sent it next time.
Baby boy わたしはここにいるよ どこもいかずに待ってるよ
Baby boy i'll be right here. Wont go anywhere. I'll be waiting for you.You know that I love you だからこそ 心配しなくていいんだよ
You know that I love you, so there's no need to worry.どんなに远くにいても変わらないよこの心 言いたい事わかるでしょ?
No matter the distance, this heart of mine wont change.あなたのこと待ってるよ
i'll be waiting for you. I'll be waiting.俺がもっと金持ちだったら もっとまともな仕事をしてたら
If i had more money or if i had a more serious job.
もしもすべて犠牲にできたのなら 俺は绝対に君を...
if i could give everything else up, for you, i definitely would.
だがPlease勘违いだけはすんな 君に寂しい思いはさせたくねぇが
But please, dun misunderstand. I hate to make you lonely but,
忙しい中あんま话せねぇがbaby believeこれはall for our future
I'm busy so we cant talk much but baby believe its all for our future.
But 正直 今すぐ君と会いたい 今すぐ抱きしめてやりたい
But honestly i want to see you right now. I want to hold you tight right now.
昔 君が俺の隣で座ってた席には もう谁もいないって...
now no one is sitting in the seat next to me, where you used to sit.
まぁ そんな事はいいんだ 言いたいことはそんなんじゃねぇんだ
well, that is not important. That's not what i'm trying to say.
It's probably too late,
ずっと言いたかった言叶を込め 送るUnsent letterbut I'll fill it with what i've wanted to say all along and sent you my unsent letter
Baby girl わたしはここにいるよ どこもいかずに待ってるよ
Baby girl, i'll be right here. Wont go anytwhere i'll b waiting for you.
You know that I love you だからこそ 心配しなくていいんだよ
You know that I love you, so there is no need to worry
どんなに远くにいても変わらないよこの心 言いたい事わかるでしょ?
No matter the distance, this heart of mine wont change.あなたのこと待ってるよ
i'll be waiting for you. I'll be waiting.
Baby boy わたしはここにいるよ どこもいかずに待ってるよ
Baby boy, i'll be right here. Wont go anytwhere i'll b waiting for you.You know I love you だからこそ 心配しなくていいんだよ
You know that I love you, so there is no need to worryどんなに远くにいても変わらないよこの心 今なら素直に言えるよ
No matter the distance, this heart of mine wont change. Now i can say it to you straight.I don't ever wanna let you go
I don't ever wanna let you go
Labels: 歌词部落
you know you love me
周末松一松 at 23:07
部落没有更新 因为没什么新鲜事报道
可是 今天我和妹妹就要去透透气
看了 the pink panther 2.. 还不错的说

跑去试衣服 过过瘾
可是 因某些原因没买了
-更衣间-

今天的收获不多 纯粹逛街散心和看戏
星期天 巴士不多
两个人在街道 玩起自拍


Labels: 【照片】, ☜ ⓜⓜⓤ ☞, Family, Foods
you know you love me
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